Isolation Trans. 2000W 115/230V

439.40  Χωρίς ΦΠΑ
544.86  Συμπεριλαμβάνει ΦΠΑ

Indispensable in professional marine energy systems. It prevents electrolytic corrosion and above all serves as a device to guarantee a safe electric system. Toroidal wound technology for quietness and high efficiency. Soft start circuitry will ensure that the shore circuit breaker will not trip when plugged in.

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Indispensable in professional marine energy systems. It prevents electrolytic corrosion and above all serves as a device to guarantee a safe electric system. Toroidal wound technology for quietness and high efficiency. Soft start circuitry will ensure that the shore circuit breaker will not trip when plugged in.

Galvanic Isolator
A low cost solution to prevent galvanic corrosion that occurs on boats with electric power feeds.

Weight 10 kg

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ΣΠΙΤΙΑ, ΠΑΚΕΤΑ, φωτοβολταικα, Isolation Trans. 2000W 115/230V,Φωτοβολταικα για σπίτια,

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